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Monday, March 14, 2005

at the end of biz law tutorial today.. my tutor said "generally, participation level is ok for most of u except it's a bit low for christina"
=_= "'
like what the!!
i can name out a few that participate equally as least as me ok.. i can even name out one that did not even open her mouth from tut 1 till now except for presentation obviously she had to open her mouth to talk in order to present...

by just mentioning my name only.. i thereby concluded that it's either she has sth against me or she's suffering from dementia.. gg senile

i am so gg to prove her wrong for the nxt 2 tutorials.. im gg to open my mouth more to talk..
she mentioned she gave zero before for particiaption..
i certainly do not want to get a freaking F for participation
that is how loser

oh i miss shopping..!!

___the lil' biatch has sermonized___
7:10 PM